Tuesday 10 March 2015

Android Tutorial 2: Managing Your Installed Applications

Our first real stop on the road to mastering Android is to help you understand how to manage and organize your installed applications, deal with settings and permissions, or get rid of applications you don’t want.

Managing your applications means not allowing your apps get the most of your system. Sometimes things get a little haywire and we install a whole bunch of stuff that we probably don’t even use. Not only can that make your app drawer and home screen(s) look cluttered and confusing, but all those apps take up space. That said, if you want to keep everything you install, you can take definitive measures to streamline and make things look more organized.

We also discuss managing your account from Google Play. You may not know that much about app permissions, so we’ll explain that, and we’ll also explain how to turn auto-updates off.

Finally, we’ll actually dig deep into the application settings to show you the amount of power that Android gives you over your apps. There’s so much there that you probably don’t know even know about. You can force apps to stop, clear out the data cache, and other useful stuff.

Let’s start off our discussion of shortcuts and all the ways you can use them to better manage your Android apps.


You are probably quite familiar with shortcuts, or at least the concept. Shortcuts are also called “symbolic links” and basically all that means is that you can open an application using a symbol that links to the actual program. All the icons you see in your app drawer and on your home screens are shortcuts. The actual programs are stored elsewhere on your device, you simply use shortcuts so that you can have access to your stuff without creating many copies of it.

Dragging shortcuts from the app drawer to the home screen
You can quickly create shortcuts on your home screens. First open the app drawer, then touch and hold the app you want to pin. The app drawer will fade from view and you will see you home screen.

Drag the shortcut to the screen edge if you want to place your shortcut on a different home screen.

Once you’ve chosen where you want to place the shortcut, simply release your finger.

Google Now

Google Now is sort of a personal digital assistant that learns your preferences, likes, and habits, and helps make recommendation on the information that it collects on you. Google Now, and the applicable Google Now launcher, comes included with some Android handsets. For others, it is a downloadable feature you can get in the Google Play store.

We mention this because if you install the Google Now package and use the launcher, instead of the old five home screen design many are accustomed to, you now have one main home screen. You can create subsequent home screens to the right, but Google Now is always accessible on the adjacent screen left of the main home screen. You cannot have home screens to the left of your main one so if you aren’t happy with this arrangement, you can revert to old style using the “Home” settings.

Note, the options available to you may be different than what you see here.

If you’d like to install Google Now on your Samsung device you should check out this article.

Arranging shortcuts

If you simply want to rearrange shortcuts so they’re in a certain order, then you can easily move them around. Simply choose the shortcut you want to move. In the following example, we choose the “Drive” shortcut. We press and hold and see that the “Drive” shortcut’s outline can be seen where it will be placed if you were to release it at that moment.

If you want to move a shortcut to where another shortcut already resides, simply “nudge” the one you want to supplant out of the way. As you can see, the “Facebook” shortcut moves to an open spot when the “Drive” shortcut is placed there.

Removing shortcuts

To remove shortcuts from your home screen, simply press and hold the one you want to delete, and then drag it to the X to “Remove.”

Creating shortcut groups

Shortcut groups are a great way to clean up similar types of shortcuts and place them in a group. When you tap on the group, it will expand open and you can pick the app you want to launch, kind of like having mini app drawers on your home screen.

To create a shortcut group, you must have at least two shortcuts you want to group. In this example, we’ll take all the Google apps and group them in a shortcut group. First we drag one shortcut over the top of another and release it when a white halo appears around the bottom shortcut.

You’ll then see that it forms a group, which you can then add more apps to and then move around and order as you see fit.

You can also give the group a name by tapping on “Unnamed Folder,” the system will allow you to personalize it. In the following example, we give our new Google group the apt name “Google.”

Grouping apps in the App Tray

Grouping apps in the app tray works the same as any other app group you’d form only this group will be persistent across all your home screens and thus always within reach of your thumb tips.

To create a group in the app tray, follow the same procedure as outlined above, only drag your apps to the tray instead of the home screen.


You can also rename the group to something appropriate.

Note on the Samsung interface, you can tap the menu button and then “create folder” to accomplish the same thing as app groups on Android.

Google Play or The Play Store

Google Play is Google’s app store, with over one million apps as of July 2013, you’re sure to find something you need. For every iOS app out there, there is almost always an Android equivalent. When you first open the Play Store, it will display categories of apps you can download, Play favorites, and more. You can search for any specific app by clicking on the search icon.

Next Page : Managing Installed Applications and Permissions

Android Tutorial 1 : How to Use Android Effectively

Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. While Apple’s iOS (iPhone and iPad) receives lavish attention and has a devout following, Android continues to rack up impressive numbers. In fact, according to figures released as recently as January 2014, Android had an astounding 79 percent worldwide market share in 2013!
Part of the reason for this is that Android faces little competition. iOS continues to be its only viable foe, particularly in the United States with about a 41 percent market share. Windows Phone and the ever-fading Blackberry continue to be also-rans.
All this really means is that a whole lot of people use Android and, time after time, we see people struggling to master it. It’s not that Android is hard to use, in fact, it’s very easy, but earlier versions are often slow and clunky while newer ones have a lot of features you need to learn to make the most of it. Also, people may simply not know or realize many of the ways you can better manage your device rather than it managing you.

Lollipop? Kitkat? JellyBean?
Android has seen nearly 20 versions since version 1.0 was released in 2008. Since 2009 they have been named after deserts or sweets, for example, version 2.3 was known as “Gingerbread.” The most recent version is version 5.0.2 or “Lollipop.”
Previous to that was Jelly Bean or version 4.3. Google has labored mightily to improve adoption rates for Android 4.x, but amazingly, over 20 percent of Android devices still run some form of Gingerbread! Contrast that with iOS 7, Apple’s latest mobile operating system, which 87 percent of iPhone and iPad users have installed.
Therefore, it’s difficult to write with one single Android version in mind, but we believe in always having the latest version of any operating system installed. Not simply to take advantage of the latest features, but also because Lollipop represents a long effort by Google to hone its operating system so that it works on much older hardware than previous Android versions.
If you cannot upgrade to Lollipop, or even Kitkat, then it probably means you’re stuck with the version you have until you can buy a new phone or tablet. Don’t worry, most of the information we cover here can still be applied in some way and, if it cannot, you still have this series as a resource when you do finally upgrade!

"Pure Android" Vs Other Distributions
Handset makers go through a vast array of tricks to make Android more user friendly. What you often end up with is a convoluted mess of UI eye candy and unneeded apps that add more bloat than their worth. So, we have many manufacturers creating their own “skins” for Android to make it behave the way that they want it, like HTC “Sense” and Samsung “TouchWiz.” While they each have their own dedicated fans, this problem splinters the Android community and gives everybody a different interface to learn.
Starting with Jelly Bean, there’s been a concerted effort from Google to really refine Android and make it more fast and fluid, as well as compatible on older devices. With Kitkat, there’s been even more refinement to the point now where Google has attracted its own hardcore, almost cult-like, following of users who prefer and swear by stock, or “pure” Android. This is Android with none of the skinning and extra features that handset makers add.
The result of this is an Android distribution as Google intended. For the purposes of this series, we will refer to, and include, screenshots from Android Kitkat and, where necessary, Samsung Touchwiz. We include Samsung simply because it is used by 27 percent of US Android users and worldwide, the company accounted for 32 percent of all smartphone shipments in 2013.

Getting a Lay of the Land
Android is super easy to use. It employs a few consistent UI features and elements that can be found across nearly all Android devices. We’ll go on a little tour of these before diving a bit further into many of the settings you will encounter throughout this series.

The Home Screen
Turn on, unlock your device, and you see your home screen. We can think of this as a desktop of sorts, but unlike a traditional desktop PC device, you can have as many home screens as you want, which you simply swipe left/right to access. You can place a whole variety of app shortcuts (we’ll cover this in Android Tutorial 2), app groups, and widgets on your home screen(s).
Here below we see vanilla Android pictured leftmost compared to Samsung's Touchwiz, LG, HTC and Sony's own Home screen Layouts.
Note, your home screen will vary according to how your handset manufacturer lays it out or however you customize it.

The Status Bar
At the very top, ever-present, is the status bar. The status bar is persistent in that it rarely leaves the display, except in some full-screen applications. The status bar displays important information including time, signal (Wi-Fi/mobile data), notifications such as texts and e-mails.

The Vanilla Android L Status Bar on Left and Samsung Touchwiz Status Bar on Right.
Again, your status bar will display differently depending on your phone manufacturer and any customization’s you may have made or apps you've installed.

Quick Settings Panel
In recent Android versions, Google introduced the “Quick Settings” panel which allows you to pull push and pull the status bar down on the right side of the status bar to access a whole array of device features. This feature isn’t available on the Samsung Touchwiz interface.
Note again, this may appear differently on your device.

Notifications have always been one of Android’s strong points. With notifications, the system and apps can notify you when something needs attention, such as an e-mail, text message, or something app-specific such as a Facebook alert. Pull down on the status bar’s left side to see all your notifications, which you can then attend to or clear out.
Simply swipe each notification to clear it or tap the clear notifications icon at the very top to take care of all of them at once. Again, Samsung doesn't divide the status bar into two halves, so no matter where you pull down, you will always get the notifications screen.

Favorites Tray
The so-called Favorites Tray allows you to pin certain apps such as your contacts and phone dialer so no matter what home screen you are on, you can always access them. Further, you can stack apps in groups or if the whim strikes you, remove them altogether.
Left [ Vanilla Android Lollipop ] vs Samsung Touchwiz [Right]
We’ll cover how to create app groups in the Android Tutorial 2.

Action Bar
At the bottom of your device is the “Action bar,” which like the status bar, never goes away, even when it seems as though it has. The status bar almost always displays three symbols (left to right) back, home, and recent apps. It may also display three small dots when an app has extra options you can access.
Regardless, you should always see these three navigation elements wherever you are on your device. On Samsung models, the S5 Galaxy in particular, these are physical buttons, not onscreen elements.

App Drawer
Finally, there’s the app drawer. This is the center icon on the app tray that opens up the place where all your apps shortcuts hang out.
{[Left] - Android Lollipop App Drawer ] vs [ Android KitKat App Drawer [Right]}
From here you can open them, uninstall, or pin shortcuts to the home screen.

Get to know your settings, this is how you will achieve maximum control over your device. By mastering them, you will be able to use the system with a great deal more finesse and efficiency. There are two ways to access settings, you can either open the app tray and tap the “Settings” shortcut or you can pull down the “Quick Settings” panel and choose “Settings” from the choices.
Android Lollipop [Left] vs Android KitKat [Right]

On the Samsung interface, you simply touch the “menu” button and then “Settings.” You’re then given four tabs.

Note that the Android “Quick Settings” gives you access to many oft-used functions while on the Samsung, the closest analogue is the “My device” tab.
The “Accounts” tab is more quickly accessible whereas on standard Android, it is including among all the other settings.
And then finally, the “More” button where you can access everything else. This is somewhat similar to what you will find in standard Android.

Manage your apps, force them to stop running, clear out cache data, and more with the “Apps” settings. On the Samsung, you can reach this from the “More” tab.
We’ll teach you how to make the most of them in Android Tutorial 2.
Battery life, or lack thereof, is a huge impasse to our cord-cutting desires. After all, what fun is a mobile device if you have to be near an outlet “just in case”? What’s the point of thinness and ultra-portability if you have to cart around a clunky charger and cable with you everywhere?
Nailing down the battery settings can help you diagnose and fix a great many battery woes. Note, on the Samsung, you can reach this from the “More” tab.
We will talk a great deal about this in Android Tutorial 3.
Using the display accounts for the majority of battery use. Simply put, if you never used your phone except when necessary, your battery would probably last for days (plural). But you don’t use your phone that way so you can dial down the brightness and decrease the timeout period to eke a bit more time out of your battery.
On the Samsung skin, these settings are quite different but most should have the same effect.
We go into display settings more in Android Tutorial 3.
If you spend a great deal of time at home, or you have a device that doesn’t have mobile data capabilities, then you can turn your Wi-Fi on or off to save battery. The Samsung “Wi-Fi” settings are more or less the same with a few added options at the top.
We’ll talk more about this in Android Tutorial 3.
Data Usage/Mobile Data
If you’re on a tight data plan and want to know how much data you’re using, or if you want to see how much data certain apps use, then you’ll definitely want to learn this setting and use it. Similarly, you may not want to use your phone’s mobile data when you’ve got perfectly good Wi-Fi at home.
Note, you can turn off mobile data, which will help save your battery, but this may have undesirable side effects, such as the inability to send and receive MMS. As you can see the Samsung’s version of the “Data usage” settings is more or less the same.
More on this in Android Tutorial 3.
Many of your apps, such as “Camera” and “Facebook,” report your location and this can lead to high battery use. You can adjust your location settings so that they use less battery. You can also turn off location specific items in many apps.
You can access the Samsung “Location services” from the “More” settings. As you can see it has a bit more going on than with the plain Android “Location” settings.
We’ll explain more about this in Android Tutorial 3.
There’s a great many ways to protect your device and data on Android. On the Samsung device, the “Security” settings can be accessed from the “More” tab.
However, the “Lock screen” settings are accessible from the “My device” tab.
We’ll show you how it’s done in Android Tutorial 4.
Similar to battery life, you can run out of storage space too. The storage settings are an excellent place to determine what is taking up space, and how much you can reclaim by removing applications and deleting stuff you don’t need. You’d be surprised how much space you get back this way. On the Samsung, this can be reached from the “More” tab.
We’ll talk a great deal more about this in Android Tutorial 5.
Backup and Reset
Backing up your stuff is pretty important on any computer you use, but it’s even more important on your phone. Aside from the everyday disasters that can befall it, it’s also really easy to lose, in the back of taxicabs, to toilets, and common thieves. Using your device’s backup abilities effectively can save you a lot of awful heartache.
On the Samsung device, you can access this at the bottom of the “accounts” settings.
We’ll talk a great deal more on this in Android Tutorial 5.

What this series offers?

This series is comprised of series of four detailed tutorials that covers what we believe are keys areas to managing and mastering your Android devices.

Android Tutorial 2Application Management

Trying out new stuff is fun and it’s all too easy to download apps until your phone is crammed with shortcuts and widgets. If you have a bunch of apps on your device you should understand all the ins and outs of shortcuts, Google Play, and the app settings.

Android Tutorial 3 – Extending your Battery’s Life

You should definitely understand how mobile device batteries works, and the best conditions under which to operate them. Moreover, there’s a ton of stuff you can also do in the settings, which can help you get more use out of your battery during the course of a day. We cover all those things including managing your battery’s settings and the best ways to help it survive an average day’s use.

Android Tutorial 4 – Performance and Security

Speed things up and lock things down! Truth told, there’s a bevy of devices on the market that perform very well even when burdened by whatever you can throw at it but there’s also a great many that don’t. So we’ll discuss possible ways you can improve that.

Also, you should definitely take device security seriously whether it’s a pattern lock, password, PIN, encryption, or any of the other ways you can protect your data and self from prying eyes. No worries, we’ll take you through all that in this tutorial.

Android Tutorial 5 – Data Management

Finally, we’ll talk about managing your data both in terms of how much space it occupies, and whether it is routinely backed up. After all, you spend a great deal of time on your phones and tablet, shouldn’t you understand what your devices are storing, and how much storage that data is taking?

Furthermore, if you’re going to keep your most important stuff on on a device the size of deck of cards, shouldn’t you at least make sure you can’t lose everything in one moment of forgetfulness? We think so and that’s why we cover a variety of methods you can always make sure that even if you drop your phone down a sewer grate, everything that’s on it can be saved.


That’s all for today. We’re going to stop for the time being and let all this sink in. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with your device’s settings before we get to good stuff tomorrow when we’ll talk all about managing your applications and getting to know the Google Play Store’s settings.

Friday 6 March 2015

Android Rooting

On the topic of Android, it is most likely that ROOTING is the keyword that you may come across with high frequency when researching "Android". So, you want to know about rooting your Android? This may sound a little bit confusing and maybe scary. It's kind of a big decision to make. To root, or not to root. Let's do not rush and read a little more about its advantages and disadvantages before you root your Android device with Kingo Android Root.

About ROOTING-in a nutshell

Android, as an operating system that is rife in this era of Smartphones, is based on Linux. Anyhow, apps need permission to access certain parts of Linux, and not all of them have this "root" access. 

Just as other operating systems, the one running on your Android phone is also designed with several limitations and restrictions by carriers or manufacturers for commercial concerns and also safety reasons. 

ROOTING, on the other hand, is a modification process to the original system, in which the limitations are removed and full-access is allowed and thus resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps and even facilitate the removal and replacement of the device's operating system with a custom one.

PROS & CONS---Dangerous? Or worth to try?

Basically the benefits that ROOTING your Android device can offer are all about acquiring high-level permissions, with which you could overcome all limitations and do modifications you like.

There are certain consequences for sure. Two main disadvantages you may need to be aware are:
1. Rooting immediately voids your phone's warranty. 
By not allowing access to the superuser account, the manufacturers and your carrier have basically protected you from doing things that change the system and make it unstable. It is plainly stated that altering or using unapproved software voids your warranty, and ROOTING falls into that category. 
2. Rooting involves the risk of "BRICKING" your phone. 

There are more potential ones with less severity but worthy of consideration, such as viruses.

To ROOT, or Not To ROOT?

So should you root your device? Maybe you don't. Basically it is not necessary. Don't root your device just for the sake of rooting it, but if you come across something you feel could use or would like to have, then consider it. Anyway, the decision to ROOT your Android is one that should not be rushed into. Through the allure of having an unrestricted phone is wonderful, having a "Bricked" phone is, not so much fun.

Can I go back and UNROOT it?

It is kind of depends on the model of your device. Some of them are ridiculously easy to revert, some are not. There will be consequences that you should weigh before you dive in and root. Usually there will be discussion about un-rooting and going back to stock firmware. The thing you should do is taking the time to find and read that information so you're aware of the status in case things gone badly.  
Always remember, you can ask for help. If you find yourself stuck in the middle of trouble, ASK for advice. Our support group is full of fine folks and they are more than happy to help.

SO, enjoy the coexistence of risks and fun.

Thursday 5 March 2015

[HOW TO] Enable USB Debugging Mode on Android

The ways to enable USB Debugging mode, which is accounted for the key step in Android rooting process, vary from one Android version to another. USB Debugging is required by ADB, which is used for rooting, backing up, installing a custom ROM, tacking screenshots from computer and more.

1. Android 2.0-2.3.x

Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging.

2. Android 3.0- 4.1.x

Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging.

3. Android 4.2.x and higher.

In Android 4.2 and higher versions, the Developer Options menu and USB Debugging option have been hidden. In former 4.X versions of Android, USB Debugging option is under Developer Options menu.

First, you need to enable "Developer Options Menu".

  • Click Menu button to enter into App drawer.
  • Go to "Settings".
  • Scroll down to the bottom and tap "About phone" or "About tablet",
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the "About phone" and locate the "Build Number" field.
  • Tap the Build number field seven times to enable Developer Options. Tap a few times and you'll see a countdown that reads "You are now 3 steps away from being a developer."
  • When you are done, you'll see the message "You are now a developer!".
  • Tap the Back button and you'll see the Developer options menu under System on your Settings screen.

Now, you can enable USB Debugging mode.
  • Go to Settings>Developer Options>USB Debugging. Tap the USB Debugging checkbo

4. Android 5.0 Lollipop

To enable USB Debugging on Android 5.0 Lollipop is the same as Android 4.2.x.

  • Settings > About Phone > Build number > Tap it 7 times to become developer;

  • Settings > Developer Options > USB Debugging.

Warning USB Debugging should only be enabled when you need it. Leaving it enabled all the time is kind of a security risk for that this mode grants you high-level access to your device. Say if you connect your Android phone to a USB charging port in a public location, the port could use the USB access to your phone to access data on your phone or install malware. This could happen when and only when USB debugging mode is enabled.

To disable USB Debugging and other developer options when you don't need them, slide the switch at the top of the screen to OFF.

USB Debugging Mode

What is USB Debugging Mode?

USB Debugging Mode is one thing that you cannot skip to know if you are an Android user. The primary function of this mode is to facilitate a connection between an Android device and a computer with Android SDK (Software Development Kit). So it can be enabled in Android after connecting the device directly to a computer via USB.

USB Debugging Mode, in some versions of Android, is also called Developer Mode. Then it is relatively easy for you to understand that this USB Debugging Mode establishes a direct connection between an Android Device and a computer and readies it for deeper-level actions. You may come across a pop-out notification as it shows below:

What is USB Debugging for?

USB Debugging Mode is definitely important, as you can see. But why? What capabilities that it carries make this mode so important? What is USB Debugging for? 

You've probably got the idea that USB Debugging Mode grants you a level of access to your device. What kind of access, you may ask. This level of access that USB Debugging Mode grants is important when you need system-level clearance, such as when coding a new app. This mode, also called Developer Mode, allows newly programmed apps to be copied via USB to the device for testing. Depending on the OS version and installed utilities, the mode must be turned on to let developers read internal logs.

But it does more than that. There are a few non-development-related benefits from this new level of access that can give you much more freedom of control over you device. For example, with Android SDK, you gain direct access to your phone through your computer and that allows you to do things or run terminal commands with ADB. These terminal commands can help you restore a bricked phone. So this mode is a useful tool for any adventurous Android owner. 

Of course, the background knowledge is always complicated for those non-experts. This is exactly what Android Update exists for. Android Update incorporated all these complicated features and tools to make it easy for you.

It is best for you to keep USB Debugging Mode disabled and only enable it when you really need it.

Easily Root Any Android Phone Using Kingo Root

[HOW TO] Root Android with Kingo Android Root

Kingo Android Root offers every Android user the easiest one-click method to root any Android devices. How to use this universal Android root software to root your Android device? Here we go.

Make sure you get everything right beforehand :

  • Device powered ON
  • At least 50% battery level
  • Internet connection necessary
  • USB Cable (the original one recommended)
Step 1: Free download and install Kingo Android Root.

Kingo offers the best one-click Android root software for free. Just download and install it now.

Step 2: Double click the desktop icon of Kingo Android Root and launch it.

After launching Kingo Android Root, you will see its interface as shown below. 

Step 3: Plug your Android device into your computer via USB cable.

If your device driver is not installed on your Computer, Kingo will install it for you automatically. Make sure you get Internet conenction so that device driver can be downloaded. If you are using Windows 8, you may need to change some settings first. When running Kingo Android Root on Windows 8, the issue you may most likely encounter is driver installation looping.

Step 4: Enable USB Debugging mode on your Android device.

USB Debugging mode enabled is a necessary step of Android rooting process.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to your device screen for a prompt window. Tick "Always allow from this computer". If you don't, you will probably get yourself an OFFLINE DEVICE.

Step 5: Read notifications carefully before rooting your device.

Android rooting is nothing big. However, it is not exactly a small issue either. Rooting your device may open a door for you, and yet with risks.

Android rooting is a modification process to the original system, in which the limitations are removed and full-access is allowed and thus resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps and even facilitate the removal and replacement of the device's operating system with a custom one. Rooting your device will immediately void your warranty...  Click to know more about Android Rooting.                

Step 6: Click "ROOT" to root your device.

Kingo Android Root will employ multiple exploits on your device, which will probably take a couple of minutes. In the rooting process, your device may be rebooted several times. Do not be panic, it is perfectly normal. And once it begins, please DO NOT touch, move, unplug or perform any operation on your device.

Step 7: Root succeeded, click "Finish" to reboot your device.

Hopefully your device is well supported and successfully rooted by Kingo. Until your device reboots itself, do not operate.

Step 8: Check the root status of your device.

Normally, you will find an app named SuperSU installed on your device after successful rooting.

NOTE If You Get Any Kind of [ ERROR ] then Let Us Know In the Comments Below, We'll try to Help you As Soon As